Submit an Essay

YWiM provides a codisciplinary medium of exchange for scholars investigating in the postmedieval reception of medieval culture, scholarly and popular. YWiM invites contributions in the field of medievalism studies, not medieval studies. Thus, while an essay on the medieval Joan of Arc would not be appropriate, we welcome contributions investigating Joan’s reputation in early modern Italy, the contexts of her canonization in 1920, or her depiction in a motion picture or as a sculpture in contemporary France.

YWiM is a peer reviewed annual academic journal. Contributions, usually between 3,000 and 4,000 words in length, will be accepted on a year-round basis. Articles should be submitted in electronic form as a Microsoft Word file, typed double spaced (including notes and citations), in Arial font (12 point), and documented in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style. All submissions are subject to double-blind review, and therefore no identifying information should appear anywhere in the article. Contributors may submit illustrations as part of their texts, but are responsible for ensuring copyright for such materials.

Essays submitted for consideration for publication should be sent to:
Valerie B. Johnson (
Renée Ward (


Copyright Notice: All authors in this issue retain copyright and have agreed that their essays in The Year’s Work in Medievalism will be made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. This means that readers/users must: attribute the essay, may not use the essay for commercial purposes, and may not alter, transform, or build upon the essay. Authors retain copyright over the work they publish in YWiM. Fair Use Logo